
“Throughout history, diverse cultures have generated beliefs about the death of which rites and traditions have been formed to venerate, honor, scare and even make fun of it. Known as a country rich in culture and traditions, Mexico has come to shape its identity as a nation in the conception and beliefs of death”.

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, UNESCO. 1.

For centuries, humanity has inhabited every corner of the world; by working and living together, groups of people developed different cultures that today form a multicultural mosaic; with different values and worldviews.

From here, we start to carry out collaborative activities that lead us to know and value our cultural manifestations, such as the day of the dead; with the purpose of preserving and promoting them; as well as having an open vision towards other cultures.

In three stages of activities, we propose you to carry out an oral and / or documentary investigation on the day of the dead in a specific locality or region, which allows to promote knowledge and respect for differences between social, ethnic or linguistic groups and create spaces for interaction, dialogue and exchange between nations, where the cultural manifestations of each place in the world converge with equity and in a plural way.

Students will learn about cultural expressions and manifestations from different places, countries and regions of the world. Collaborative exercises with your classmates, both in class and on our website, will provide opportunities to establish a responsible commitment to teammates and their distance peers that result in meaningful learning and intercultural dialogue in all participants.

This project is aimed at primary and secondary students; whose thematic content crosses transversely the subjects of Civic Formation, History and Geography. Students between the ages of 10 and 12 (fifth and sixth grade of primary school); and from 12 to 15 years (secondary).

The purpose of the Project is to promote the dialogue between different cultures through one strategy of collaborative research to talk about the issue “Day of dead” as a part of cultural traditions of the world.

Students, through the development of different research activities, will acquire knowledge about different traditions; In addition, discussion topics will be provided to reflect critically on these socio-cultural manifestations in order to recognize global cultural diversity.

This Project meets the SDG in the goals 4, 11, 16 y 17.

The interactive components of the project are designed to promote distance collaboration among students from different schools in order to promote integration with equity and inclusion.

Students will identify and share the characteristics and significant elements of manifestations and expressions of their own culture. In addition, they will reflect on the importance of their own traditions and compare them with those of other places in the world.

We hope that students enjoy learning about the different cultural manifestations through this educational project.

1.- “Intangible cultural heritage or livind heritage refers to the practices, expressions, knowledge or techniques transmitted by communities from generation to generation.” – UNESCO. []