Session 4. Final Product

Activity 1

National Participation

    With the materials obtained from the activities carried out during the development of the project and the evidences of the campaign, they will prepare a newsletter that contains the acquired learning and that is useful to inform the educational community of the schools. They can use Canva or Publisher. Once created the newsletter, they can create a QR code and place it in their school's mural newspaper; It is important to include a slogan with the intention of attracting the educational community; and through an application on their mobile devices, they can review the newsletter. They can do it in Canva or Publisher.

International participation

    The distant teams, after having implemented the campaign in the schools, the will meet in videoconference, to share the experiences and results of the campaign. They combine the information and create, in a collaborative way, a newsletter that contains the acquired learning. They can do it in Canva or Publisher, tools that allow them to work remotely and collaboratively between teams.

    To make it known in distant schools, they will create a QR code with a slogan that captures people's attention; they print it and stick it on the wall newspaper or in a visible place, so that the school community, through its mobile device, knows what is happening in both countries about this environmental problem.

Both modalities

    The Newsletter should include:

    • Title
    • Topics (incorporate the materials made in each of the sessions, with a brief description of them, as well as their reflections and acquired learning)
      • Deforestation
      • Conservation mechanisms
      • Outreach campaign
    • General conclusions
    • Include the following data of the work teams:
      • Name team and its members
      • School names
      • Location
      • Name of the teachers responsible of the groups
      • E-mails

Activity 2

Both modalities

    In the Evidence Padlet, they will upload the concept map and express what they learned. Read the contributions of the other colleagues from Mexico and participating countries, in order to compare the different situations of this environmental problem, without forgetting to express their points of view.

    They will share the newsletter in the Facebook of the project with a synthesis of the contents (abstract).

    In the discussion forum, they will present the acquired learnings and a reflection on how to work on this collaborative project and show interest in other topics related to science. Forum en iEARN