Session 1. Deforestation

Activity 1

Both modalities

    Students will review the following information and make a reflection of the importance of forests, the causes of the loss of large areas, caused by the activities that humans do in our eagerness to satisfy basic needs, resulting in deforestation:

    Later, they will read the following articles: ( 1  and  2 ), to determine what deforestation is.

    In plenary session, based on the following generating questions, they will discuss the subject:

    • What are the main causes of deforestation?
    • What human activities are the ones that cause deforestation?
    • What is the effect of deforestation for the environment and health of living beings?
    • What are the consequences of deforestation?
    • What happens in your community is there deforestation?

Activity 2

National Participation

    Afterwards, they will carry out a conceptual map with their teammates, in which they will highlight the importance of forests, the environmental services they provide and, about the causes and consequences of deforestation.

    International Participation

    Distant teams will investigate the causes and consequences of deforestation in the country they are working with. For example, students in Mexico investigate what is happening in Brazil and, those in Brazil, investigate what is happening in Mexico and exchange information.

    With the information obtained, they make a conceptual map in which they will highlight the importance of forests and the causes and consequences of deforestation detected in the different regions.

    For the realization of the map, they can use Canva, tool that will allow them to work together and make a single product with the information of both countries.

Activity 3

Both modalities

    In the Evidence Padlet, they will upload the concept map and express what they learned. Read the contributions of the other colleagues from Mexico and participating countries, in order to compare the different situations of this environmental problem, without forgetting to express their points of view.

    They will share the map in the Facebook of the project and include a brief reflection of the subject in question.

    In the discussion forum, they will highlight the causes for which large areas of forests and jungles have been cleared, as well as the effects that ecosystems have on them. Forum en iEARN

    Read the contributions of other colleagues from Mexico and participating countries, in order to compare the different situations of this environmental problem, without forgetting to express their points of view.

    In the Evidence Padlet, they will upload the concept map and express what they learned. Read the contributions of the other colleagues from Mexico and participating countries, in order to compare the different situations of this environmental problem, without forgetting to express their points of view.