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Historial del Tema: Activity 1 - Selection of case study (Oto19)

Mostrando los últimos 6 mensajes - (Últimos primero)
4 años 6 meses antes #21177


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02est0006z escribió:
3ro D

Because the topic is very interesting, if all the lakes are contaminated we all gonna die.

I think it’s a very important issue because in the near future we all gonna need that water for something.

It’s very very interesting I love it so much with all my heart.

I like that topic because I love water but I would have chosen another one because I wasn’t in that class.
Nava: It is a current problem that happens in our society.
Perla: It is one of the problems that affects most in our country.
Jesus: Nobody does anything to clean the seas.
Arturo: It seems to me an incredible subject that affects both humans and animals.
Juan: My opinion is that we must take more care of the rivers and lakes of the world because many living things are in them and if we do not take care of them, they can become extinct.
Luis: My opinion is that we take more care of the rivers and lakes of the world because marine animals live there and we must take care of them and their life depends on us.
Ximena: My opinion is that we must throw less garbage and take care of the rivers and lakes because there live many species of marine animals and that the water is contaminated does not benefit them.
Andres: My opinion is that we have to take care of the lakes and rivers for a better environment in the world.
Manuel: My opinion is that we should not litter rivers and lakes.
I chose the issue of pollution of lakes and rivers because I think I can know how I could stop contaminating and help the environment.
Alexa Rubi Ruiz Torres.

I chose the issue of pollution of lakes, rivers and lagoons because it is already contaminated and it would seem good to help the environment and marine animals.
A. Daleth Martinez Avila.
I chose the subject because I think it is the most practical and convenient to learn and / or speak
Zeus K. F. paramo castañeda
I chose this topic because it is important for the environment and for animals.
Pablo Jeronimo Nuñez.
I chose this topic because it made me interesting because it talks about the environment.
Nancy Soto.

Good comments and good effort for working in English.
4 años 6 meses antes #21176


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secundaria técnica 33 escribió:
Uso irracional del agua.

Es un tema muy importante ya que es un recurso el cual es vital para todos los seres vivos y el cual se esta agotando.

Dada la importancia del agua, es nuestro deber utilizarla adecuada y racionalmente, y así ayudar a nuestro medio ambiente, realizando algunas pequeñas tareas:

Cierra las llaves mientras te enjabonas, te tallas en el baño, te afeitas o te cepillas los dientes.
No laves la banqueta, pisos o el coche a "chorro de manguera", usa solo la necesaria en cubetas.
Reporta cualquier fuga que observes en la calle, vigila los mecanismos de depósito de sanitarios, tinacos y cisternas, reparando cualquier fuga.
Revisa periódicamente las paredes de la cisterna y el buen funcionamiento de la bomba.
Utiliza solamente el agua estrictamente necesaria en el baño, en el lavado de trastes y en el lavado de ropa.
Al usar la lavadora, usa el máximo de ropa permitido en cada carga.
No riegues el jardín durante las horas de mayor calor, el agua se evapora.
Vigila a tus hijos, para que en sus juegos no se bañen a chorro de agua o a cubetazos.
No utilices el inodoro como cubo de basura.
Utiliza cisternas de WC con dispositivo de descarga controlada o de bajo volumen. Una forma de reducir el consumo de una cisterna convencional consiste en introducir en su interior una botella de uno o dos litros llena de agua.
No olvides explicar estos consejos a los más pequeños de la casa.
No desperdicies el agua, recuerda siempre la importancia del vital líquido: El Agua.

Lo que señalan es importante; sin embargo, es necesario hacer una reflexión sobre la información que revisan, no solo copiarla y pegarla. Por otro lado, la idea de trabajar en esta versión en inglés del proyecto, es que los participantes practiquen la le idioma inglés, además de trabajar los contenidos curriculares del área de ciencias.

We expect your next comments in English.
Good day,
4 años 6 meses antes #21054


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3ro D

Because the topic is very interesting, if all the lakes are contaminated we all gonna die.

I think it’s a very important issue because in the near future we all gonna need that water for something.

It’s very very interesting I love it so much with all my heart.

I like that topic because I love water but I would have chosen another one because I wasn’t in that class.
Nava: It is a current problem that happens in our society.
Perla: It is one of the problems that affects most in our country.
Jesus: Nobody does anything to clean the seas.
Arturo: It seems to me an incredible subject that affects both humans and animals.
Juan: My opinion is that we must take more care of the rivers and lakes of the world because many living things are in them and if we do not take care of them, they can become extinct.
Luis: My opinion is that we take more care of the rivers and lakes of the world because marine animals live there and we must take care of them and their life depends on us.
Ximena: My opinion is that we must throw less garbage and take care of the rivers and lakes because there live many species of marine animals and that the water is contaminated does not benefit them.
Andres: My opinion is that we have to take care of the lakes and rivers for a better environment in the world.
Manuel: My opinion is that we should not litter rivers and lakes.
I chose the issue of pollution of lakes and rivers because I think I can know how I could stop contaminating and help the environment.
Alexa Rubi Ruiz Torres.

I chose the issue of pollution of lakes, rivers and lagoons because it is already contaminated and it would seem good to help the environment and marine animals.
A. Daleth Martinez Avila.
I chose the subject because I think it is the most practical and convenient to learn and / or speak
Zeus K. F. paramo castañeda
I chose this topic because it is important for the environment and for animals.
Pablo Jeronimo Nuñez.
I chose this topic because it made me interesting because it talks about the environment.
Nancy Soto.
4 años 6 meses antes #20680

secundaria técnica 33

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Uso irracional del agua.

Es un tema muy importante ya que es un recurso el cual es vital para todos los seres vivos y el cual se esta agotando.

Dada la importancia del agua, es nuestro deber utilizarla adecuada y racionalmente, y así ayudar a nuestro medio ambiente, realizando algunas pequeñas tareas:

Cierra las llaves mientras te enjabonas, te tallas en el baño, te afeitas o te cepillas los dientes.
No laves la banqueta, pisos o el coche a "chorro de manguera", usa solo la necesaria en cubetas.
Reporta cualquier fuga que observes en la calle, vigila los mecanismos de depósito de sanitarios, tinacos y cisternas, reparando cualquier fuga.
Revisa periódicamente las paredes de la cisterna y el buen funcionamiento de la bomba.
Utiliza solamente el agua estrictamente necesaria en el baño, en el lavado de trastes y en el lavado de ropa.
Al usar la lavadora, usa el máximo de ropa permitido en cada carga.
No riegues el jardín durante las horas de mayor calor, el agua se evapora.
Vigila a tus hijos, para que en sus juegos no se bañen a chorro de agua o a cubetazos.
No utilices el inodoro como cubo de basura.
Utiliza cisternas de WC con dispositivo de descarga controlada o de bajo volumen. Una forma de reducir el consumo de una cisterna convencional consiste en introducir en su interior una botella de uno o dos litros llena de agua.
No olvides explicar estos consejos a los más pequeños de la casa.
No desperdicies el agua, recuerda siempre la importancia del vital líquido: El Agua.
4 años 6 meses antes #20104

Vianney Ávila Esquivel

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Welcome to this project to practice the English language and some concepts of other subjects of natural sciences and geography.

Please answer the following questions to know what you know about the topic of environmental care:

Forum questions

What is the topic that you selected for your case study?
Why did you choose this topic?

Did you look at the other students’ blogs?

Write at your friends and tell them what you learned from their blogs.
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