Action 3. Concrete actions and Forum 3


  1. Understand that human actions affect determinedly in the environment and the natural environment around us.
  2. To demonstrate the importance of the investigation of a case study to fully understand the problem, and thus create awareness among the students themselves to decide to take a critical and entrepreneurial attitude in order to solve common problems in their town.
  3. Highlight the importance of conducting committed to implementing strategies for the environment in your local actions.


  1. Table for complete it
  2. They depend on the action of recovery, conservation and / or care that the teams of students decide to undertake locally.
  3. Camera or cell to capture strategic points in their entrepreneurial activities.
  4. Technology for making presentations and / or digital and galleries creative images (PPT, PREZI, Youblisher, ISSUU) Magazines Tools.

Analysis and Reflection of the field research

Remember that an ecosystem constitutes the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, that is, the interaction between these factors and abiotic environment or organisms that live there, representing the living or biotic elements. When human intervenes in these relationships, the operation of the system is altered and natural resources are also affected.

It is therefore important that young people, taking the gathered information sources, analyze and reflect on the importance of preserving, recovering and caring global nature. Gain awareness for sustainable use of resources through the implementation of actions in the short, medium and long term to counteract the deterioration and environmental degradation in any of the layers of their communities.

Once developed the field research corresponding to the problem of your case study complete the following table and hare it in your blog:


Environmental Issues

Consequences in the environment

Actions to recover a deteriorated area




Soil erosion, loss of habitat, decrease of aquifers [...]


Recovery of aquifers [...]









We participate together!

The task now is to make feasible actions to recover damaged areas or regions of the geosystems in your community, in order to assess, protect and preserve the natural resources of your surrounding environment.

It is time to articulate everything that you have research and begin to transform this scientific project, an international project that allows us to propose, define and implement joint and permanent actions of recovery, restoration and reforestation of degraded areas in their communities.

Each of the threats of degradation is evident and its effects can already be seen in everything that surrounds us in each of the geosystems. Not enough to know they are there and accept that its impact will almost always be irreversible; It is necessary to propose and implement viable actions that require simple activities, cooperative work and great commitment to avoid, eliminate or mitigate that destructive effect that cause some human activities.

Let´s do it… In action!

Our commitment starts with our actions. Look at the following list of resources and decide a simple strategy that suits the possibilities for implementing in your community to improve their environment.

By promoting voluntary participation and a sense of community, we will make cooperation ties to face the challenges of environmental conservation and contributing to have a community and a better world.

  1. How to Make Organic Compost at Home
  2. Reforestation and school orchard.
    How to Start a School Garden
    How to Create a School Garden
  3. Recycling paper:
    How paper is recycled

Each team, design their Action Plan based on the problems they wish to counteract or abate, and include their ecological commitments. Do not forget to take photographs and / or videos of the citizen actions that you undertake in your school and locality to share on your blog and on the Facebook of the project.

Forum questions

Share your action proposal and the justification of your decisions in the Discussion Forum.

  • What did you propose for to the combat the environmental problems in your community?
  • How did they develop them?