
  • Promote students' development of general knowledge related to cultural traditions, an essential part of diversity.

  • Promote in students the search for responsible information through documentary and oral research; process that will allow them to collect, analyze and interpret data, as well as develop learning products with the use of technological tools; and communicate their results.

  • Reflect on the importance of their culture and traditions and those of other latitudes.

  • Encourage the active participation of students in the recovery of their cultural traditions.

  • Know and value cultural differences; as well as the preservation and promotion of existing cultures; besides appreciating the value of other cultures in the world.

  • Recognize the manifestations and cultural expressions that give identity to their peoples and as a world heritage of humanity.

  • Develop oral and documentary research skills that allow them to collect, analyze and interpret data, as well as develop learning products with the use of technological tools; and communicate their results to shape digital collections about cultural traditions in the world.

  • Encourage reflection and active participation of students in the recovery of their cultural traditions.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

  • Goal 4. Inclusive, equitable and quality education to create lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.

  • Goal 4.7. Cultural diversity and contribution of culture to sustainable development.

  • Goal 11.4 Protect and safeguard the cultural and natural heritage of the world.

  • Goal 16.7 Peace, justice and strong institutions. Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

  • Goal 17.16 Partnerships. Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.